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Els Casals Catalans a l'exterior són associacions de catalans residents fora de Catalunya. Durant anys, han tingut un paper clau en la difusió de la cultura i la llengua Catalana. El nostre grup cultural es divers, i tots els nostres esdeveniments estan guiats pels nostres valors: Cultura, Comunitat i Filantropia. Benvinguts!
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Catalan Culture Pack

Some international schools organize the "United Nations Day" or "World Cultures' day" and we want to help you set up a great cultural exhibition.
There is now a "Catalan Culture Pack" available for our members, and it includes:
Sagrada Familia photo backdrop 2x1.5m
Foldable backdrop holder
Gaudi books and posters with stands
Catalan culture symbols: porró amb barretina, chupa-chups holder, Catalan books, and Castellers postcard
Plastic table cover and flag banderetas
Everything is packed in a wheeled suitcase and the set up takes only 10 minutes.

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